2016 “Happy New Year”?
Individuals under the gracious hand of God may have one, a happy new year that is, both servants of God aware of the desperate state of our country, and those blissfully ignorant. But we are absolutely entering the most perilous time in our nations history. Elections will be held, decisions will be made, laws will be passed or rejected all based on the level of awareness and spiritual perception of the people and their leaders.
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” (2 Timothy 2:22-3:5, KJV)
I am asking each of us to check that list and then check our own hearts. Then repent, and ask for God's mercy. Then I am asking us to check that list, and pray for our churches. Then I am asking us to check that list and pray for our family, our nation and our world. The clarion call to America is to Wake Up! The clarion call to the church is to Wake Up! Satan is on the march, and we are in a situation where people are not just ignorant of his devices, but there are people making decisions and pulling strings on a global scale that are not ignorant, but in covenant with the serpent.
Forces of darkness are aligning on a global scale, and the prime target is America first, then Israel (Revelation 12:17). These forces are targeting true believing Christians first. They are killing them in the Middle East, and plan to silence them in America and the west via political correctness bans against “hate speech”, and “tolerance” which really means “tolerance for anything except Christianity and Biblical principles”. Then they will go after Israel.
Four things you will see in 2016:
- A more directed assault against the God given rights of freedom of speech, religion, and bearing of arms in the United States
- More martyrdom in the east, and more Islamic attacks in the US
- Increased judgment against our cultural and church apostasy (part of this judgement is 1 and 2 above):
“Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20, NLT)
- If repentance is sincere: Revival in the churches, Awakening of unbelievers, and exposure of the forces of darkness (Job 12:22, 1 Corinthians 4:5)
So, a “Happy New Year” for me means “Awakening”!
"NO FIRE" or Why Cessationists are Wrong
Nov 18, 2015
Today, November 18th 2015, we at the The Kingdom Paradigm released our first publication. It is a response to cessationist John MacArthur's 2013 "Strange Fire" conference. A lot of time and prayer went into the completion of this first work. We were blessed to have had Pastor James Bugg, friend and mentor, write the foreward. A 60 year veteran in God's army, Pastor Bugg has been ministering the truth of Jesus Christ and His baptism in the Holy Spirit and power longer than many have been alive. If you need to be equiped to answer challenges to the validity of the Holy Spirit's gifts, or if you know someone else who needs it, or if you just want to hear the other side of the story, this book is for you. Jesus Christ died to set us free from sin and Satan, and promised His Holy Spirit to be our guide, and empower God's people to proclaim the gospel. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated by teachers of cessationism because they seem to have a reputable ministry. God's word is truth, so get the book and be able to defend the truth.
Please click on the link and order your copy today. Purchase "NO FIRE" or Why Cessationists are Wrong from Amazon.com.